Friday, January 8, 2010

Nurse With Wound - Soliloquy For Lillith (Six Songs For Lilitu)

For the next several posts, you will be tested!
I am taking you on a journey through the haunting and surreal world of industrial drones!

Our first visit will be to a soundscape created by Stephen Stapleton (a.k.a Nurse With Wound)
The album was recorded by Steven Stapleton and his wife Diana Rogerson in May 1988. The only sound source was a number of effects units which he had set up to operate in a feedback loop - there was no original input signal being processed, simply the feedback hum generated by plugging the original chain of pedals back into itself. However, when Stapleton went near the pedals he found the sound changed in accordance with his proximity to the various pedals and units. Stapleton created the album by gently moving his fingers above the various units to create the slow, subtle changes in the sound. This fortuitous accident is utilized to stunning effect on the six sidelong pieces that comprise the album. As this shouldn't happen, Stapleton has put the album down to an electrical fault of some sort in the studio. This was acknowledged on a later reissue with the credit "our thanks to Electricity for making this recording possible".
Soliloquy for Lilith is an album of complex, powerfully realized moods, both somber and fragile; one of the most rewarding "ambient" albums ever made. Giant sheaves of majestic, glacial sound are wielded in repetition, with the inevitable effects of sound decay and distortion creeping in at the high end and bottom tones. It's a gleaming sound full of depth and dimension, like a work of modern metal sculpture in which you can see your distorted reflection. When given your full attention, the coldly warm tones have the effect of rendering thoughts, and therefore time itself, neutral. The same sound palette is used throughout, but each track manages to be very different from the last, birthing its own unique phantasms.

Highly Recommended!

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