Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Black Moth Super Rainbow - Dandelion Gum

Boomkat says:
Not so much a band name as a succession of unrelated words, Black Moth Super Rainbow is a Pittsbrgh collective with a disposition towards electronically enhanced psychedelic pop, as typified by the vocoded fuzz fest 'Melt Me' with its 'New Pollution'-style Beck sound to it. There are some great vintage touches on the album, like the mellotron opening on 'Sun Lips' or the Boards Of Canada-alike 'Rollerdisco', in fact, this music could have shown up on some excruciatingly hip mixtape at any point in the past thirty-five years and it wouldn't have sounded out of place, or out of time. As is pretty much essential for any psych band wanting to stand out from the masses, these guys have some great song titles - practically pop hooks in textual form - 'Neon Syrup From The Cemetery Sisters', 'The Afternoon Turns Pink', 'Wall Of Gum' and 'Spinning Cotton Candy In A Shack Made Of Shingles'. If they're talking about shingles as in the roof slates, that's a fairly conservative piece of imagery but I'd like to think they're talking about a shed made out of grown-up chicken pox. That's way more in keeping with the kind of music this band trade in. Excellent.

I say: To offset the slightly dark mood I have established here, I present you with some lite, fun, catchy, psych-pop. It's great stuff for a sunny summer day, or when you wish it was a sunny summer day... Enjoy!



  1. hey the download link just goes to the jpg...

  2. thanks - so are you worried about the RIAA?

  3. Nope. Now worries mate. There are millions of people doing this and I am only sharing with my friends. I actually purchased most of this music!
